Almost Three weeks on island. Two attempts to paint One madagascan a fond believer that a problem is a mistake and a mistake is presented so that one can learn from it. My problem was, the person i asked permission for the use of the wall to paint my lemur, wasn't the owner of the wall...she leased the building. First thing in the morning after confirmation the night before, i started outlining and filling first coat of the lemur on a restaurant back wall... it faces the oncoming traffic to everyone entering frenchmans cove...a nice wall to nice up...
"what you doing..."
"have u got permission to do that"
"no you don' father in law owns that wall and i know he wouldn't want you doing that"
.....oh shitttttt....
"owner of the restaurant say i can last night"
"well she don't own the wall, my father in law does., im gonna have to get him down here"
.....please dont be big and bad and ugly....
So after the owner came down, he did alot of cussing an fussing, refused to reason with me and order i paint it out...have to say i was pretty bumbed out...sympathetic towards his annoyance but vex he wouldn't talk it out...anyway en route home, an american woman form newyork popped out and said... "hey come and paint my wall instead..."
Thats me painting the americans shack above...resolution....lesson to be learnt for i an i, check person saying yes is the owner...
I remember reading an article about the lemurs in a metro newspaper last year, it stated Mister Richard Branson was planning on exporting an entire Madagascan Lemur colony to his own Caribbean island... to help save them from extinction...don't think it was granted, probably a good thing too...but i get to gloat that i got one over, and he didn't....hahaha...i have used the same african fabric pattern as the prairie dog on this piece and its in both the tail and the hands...
Owners of the building |
When u see lindas peice next to mine both characters are holding the jamiacan kite...we wanted to give the painting a Jamaican reference and since the lemur is dancing it seemed to be pretty fitting...
Part of the journey, was to discover if any other street artists had been out to Jamaica to paint. We did find a few, but these guys were the first we found and had wheat pasted the whole of the front side of a bar shack on the beach. The Everlasting Freshness Crew come from Australia and the artists is would seem he's on a tour, hitting up miami, cuba and hawai...and by the looks of it we missed him by about a month... Frenchmans cove must think a sign is hanging above them pointing artists in their direction or something...anyway....
links here
Black river...named, because its bottom is of a black mud...on a sunny day the water is completely transparent clear but u wouldn't know cos the mud is so dark, so they was a rainy day when we were there, so who knows...home to the most species of ferns in the world, and fresh water one knows, perhaps they were dumped in the river by germans after the war, maybey they swam down from florida...our guide said there were over 100 around...we saw some biggins, but they very timid and there w alot of tourist boats checkin em out, so no wonder...above is some cool rasta looking roots dropping into the river, this is how the trees get their water...
More of the herd of 50 went up and this cru were keen to get a photo shoot underway...Blessup Treasure Beach...the ones that were on our side that is...
Round three... soon come...
Black Scorpio Records